38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association

RHN 4/2013 | Call

Organiser: Rural, Agricultural & Environmental (RAE) Network of the Social Science History Association

21-24 November 2013, Chicago, Illinois, United States

Deadline: 15 February 2013


The Social Science History Association conference for 2013 will be held in Chicago, from November 21-24. The conference theme is "Organizing Powers." SSHA draws submissions of papers and panels through networks organized by topic or field. The Rural, Agricultural & Environmental network representatives are:
Louis Kyriakoudes Louis.kyriakoudes@usm.edu
Ken Sylvester kenms@umich.edu

We invite submissions of papers or (preferably) full panels by February 15, 2013. We are also interested to hear from people who are willing to volunteer to be chairs or discussants, or have ideas for panel topics. For more information including the conference-wide call for papers, and the other networks please see the SSHA website at http://www.ssha.org/annual-conference.

Submissions of either individual papers or whole sessions are welcome. This year all panels of research papers should have four papers when submitted, for full consideration. You will need to provide an abstract, title and contact information, and designate a network (or networks) where your paper is likely to fit. You should identify RAE network as the primary network in order for the network organizers to ‘own’ the session idea and be able to add suitable co-presenters (who may have submitted individual paper ideas) in the online submission system. We discussed several thematic areas at our network meeting in Vancouver in November of 2012 and list some of them below.

  • State and agriculture over the longue durée
  • Economic legacies of land tenure systems
  • Electrification, Energy and the Environment
  • “Rurban” Environments and Defending Open Space
  • Rebuilding natural infrastructure
  • Cultures of the Frontier
  • Empire and Environment

Please submit paper and session proposals at http://conference.ssha.org. The network organizers will work with you to develop panel ideas and find individual co-presenters who represent a good match with proposed sessions. We look forward to reading your interesting panel and paper proposals.

Source: H-Net