RHN 136/2014 | Call/EURHO
Organisers: Spanish Agricultural History Society (SEHA), Rural History Research Centre of the University of Girona (CRHR)
7-10 September 2015, Girona, Spain
Deadline: 31 January 2015
Call for Papers:
Rural History 2015 Conference
Rural History 2015 is the second conference held under the auspices of the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO). It is organised by the Spanish Agricultural History Society (SEHA) and the Rural History Research Centre of the University of Girona (CRHR) and it will take place at the University of Girona, Spain from 7-10 September 2015. The conference is open to historians studying all periods as well as to scholars who approach rural history from a variety of other disciplines. While it focuses on the rural history of Europe it also welcomes contributions dealing with aspects of rural history in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australasia.
The conference is structured around panel sessions on a specific topic. 71 panels were selected after the call for panels announced in May 2014. We invite historians and related scholars to submit proposals for papers (up to 1,000 words). The deadline for submission is January 31, 2015. Corresponding authors will be informed of the outcome of the review and selection process by February 28, 2015. In case your paper does not fit the topics currently available on the list of panels, there is an open subject panel (panel No. 72) to submit your paper. It is also envisaged a panel (Panel No. 73) for graduate students (master or doctoral) who wish to present their research in progress.
Submissions proceed totally online using the interface for events administrator ConfTool (https://www.conftool.com/RuralHistory2015/). The computer application will be open from December 4, 2014
Instructions to register for the platform ConfTool
If you are planning to participate in the next conference of Rural History 2015, please complete the online form available from ConfTool RH2015. After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation email. It is important to ensure that the email address provided will be the same for paper submissions as well as conference payments.
If your submission is accepted, we suggest that you upload the full paper by July 31, 2015. All papers will be available on PDF format at www.ruralhistory2015.org before the conference to allow fruitful discussion.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at: ruralhistory2015@udg.edu