Professor in Agrarian History (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

RHN 52/2015 | Opportunity

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences

Deadline: 21 August 2015


Professor in Agrarian History
at the Department of Urban and Rural Development

The position as faculty professor in agrarian history is announced at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). SLU is Sweden’s leading university in research on biological natural resources, and offers a stimulating environment for research and education. For twenty years there has been a professorship in agrarian history at the university. The professorship is located at the Department of Urban and Rural Development in new and modern facilities. The Department of Urban and Rural Development is central to SLU’s efforts to develop social sciences and humanities in research and education at SLU.

Subject area: Agrarian history is a historical discipline that covers the development from earliest times to the present. The subject deals with agricultural production, technological development, social and economic conditions, people in agrarian societies and their relation to nature, landscape and society at large. Emphasis is on research and education on northern European conditions, including Sweden, even though a wider international agrarian history also plays a role in the subject area.


The Professor shall participate in and develop research and graduate and undergraduate education at the department - The holder shall develop research in agrarian history so that it attracts external funding

The holder is expected to contribute to the development of social sciences and humanities at SLU and to increase contacts between these disciplines and those in natural sciences at SLU

The Professor is expected to develop contacts with actors outside SLU, and to develop the section’s work in various international networks in agrarian history

The holder is expected to communicate research and other relevant information in the field to the surrounding community.

As the professor will lead the development of the subject at SLU and participates in collegiate contexts within the faculty and the university, the candidate shall be able to work in English and in Swedish/a Scandinavian language at latest two years after appointment of position.


Qualified for appointment as professor is a person who has demonstrated both scientific and pedagogic skills. The candidate shall be scientifically skilled in the academic field and hold a doctorate in social science/humanities with an historical emphasis and, also, be a docent or equivalent. The candidate shall be pedagogically skilled and be able to integrate pedagogics with the role as researcher. The candidate shall be a proficient researcher in the subject area of the position, be able to lead and inspire an active research group and have the ability to attract external funding.

Assessment criteria:

Assessment criteria for the appointment shall be based on the degree in which the candidate possesses the skills required for the appointment. The basis for the assessment includes, in addition to scientific and pedagogic skills, also skills in collaboration, administration and leadership. Equal importance shall be given to scientific and pedagogic skills. The assessment of pedagogic skills shall be given equal attention as the assessment of scientific skills. The candidate will be assessed according to potential for long-term development of the topic in both research and education.

Place of work: Uppsala

The scientific and pedagogic documentation submitted in support of the application shall be indicated in the application, and one copy of each document shall be made available to the Vice-Chancellor at the time of application. At most 10 scientific publications and at most 10 pedagogic publications, including popularized versions, should be submitted in support of the application. In addition a complete list of publications shall be supplied; the publications submitted with the application must be indicated. When expert reviewers have been appointed, the applicant(s) will be informed to send copies of the documentation listed in the application to each one of the reviewers.


Application, addressed to the Vice-Chancellor, SLU, quoting Ref no. SLU ua 4394/2014, together with a current CV and other documents that the applicant wishes to submit, must be received by the Registrar, SLU, P. O. Box 7070, SE-750 07 Uppsala or by August 21, 2015.

It is desirable that the application is written in English, because the applications will be evaluated by expert advisers both in Sweden and abroad.

SLU is an equal opportunity employer.

A guide for applicants "Appointment procedures for SLU" and a "Memorandum for Guidance in connection with applications for appointment/promotion to professor and senior lecturer at SLU" can be found at Documentation of scientific, pedagogical and other qualifications must be presented in accordance with the instructions given in these documents.