Datini - ESTER Advanced Seminar 2016 'Prices and Standards of Living'

RHN 106/2015 | Call

Organisers: "F. Datini" International Institute of Economic History , ESTER

6-11 May 2016, Prato, Italy

Deadline for submissions: 15 November 2015


Datini - ESTER Advanced Seminar 2016
'Prices and Standards of Living'

The focus of the seminar are prices and their influence on standards of living in past economies and societies. Its aim is to investigate the influence of prices on living conditions. Attention will be devoted to the influence of prices on incomes, inequality, poverty and then everyday living standards both in the short and long run; without any chronological constraint. The call is, in fact, addressed both to ancient, medieval and modern historians.

Papers devoted to prices and changes in living conditions are welcome.

Application forms are available on the ESTER website http://www.hum.leiden.edu/posthumus/registration-form-ester

Source: hum.leiden.edu/posthumus