RHN 115/2016 | Publication
Table of Contents:
The Spanish wine trade with England in the second half of the seventeenth century: towards constructing a new annual series and preliminary results
José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz
Reflexions on Joaquín Costa's agroecological views in light of new research on his agricultural corpus by Gómez Benito and Ortí
Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán
Companies and entrepreneurs in the Andalusian olive oil export business, 1886–1936
Salvador Hernández Armenteros, Juan Antonio Rubio Mondéjar and Jósean Garrués Irurzun
Rural police and agricultural labour maerket in the Spanish Second Republic: the case of Santa Marta (Badajoz), 1931–1936
Sergio Riesco Roche and Francisco J. Rodríguez Jiménez
The Mapuche conflict in Chile during the agricultural reform process: the case of the Cautín province between 1960 and 1973
Jesús Ángel Redondo Cardeñoso
Fighting for land, and the resulting memories of agrarian conflict in a community of Quilombola origin: Lagoa Santa, Ituberá, in Bahia, Brazil
Egnaldo Rocha Da Silva
Abstracts (in Spanish and English): www.historiaagraria.com