Call for Papers: ICHG 2018 session - Ecological revolutions, settlement, population and economy in preindustrial world

RHN 151/2017 | Call

Organisers: Adam Izdebski, Jagiellonian University, and Piotr Guzowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Bialystok

15-20 July 2018, Warsaw, Poland

Deadline for submissions: 28 October 2017


Call for Papers for a session at the
17th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Warsaw 2018
Ecological revolutions, settlement, population and economy in preindustrial world

The concept of ecological revolution understood as a change in material environment (landscape, structures of dominant ecosystems, plant and animal species, and their mutual relationships) gives an opportunity to take a fresh look at the problem of economic turning points and crises in the past. Traditional approaches adopted by settlement historians, economic historians and historical demographers can be enriched by interdisciplinary studies of natural environment evolution based on sources beyond the canons of historical research. The aim of this session is to present the latest findings in the studies on relations between environment change and socio-economic change in various historical periods, especially the preindustrial era.

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