Agricultural History Review 66 (2018), 1

RHN 78/2018 | Publication

Agricultural History Review, 2018, 66:1


Table of Contents:

The sale of produce from non-commercial gardens in late medieval and early modern England
Malcolm Thick

Adapting to new markets: the income and expenditure of a Catalan peasant family, 1686 to 1812
Julie Marfany

The loss of wetland agricultural value in north-eastern North America, 1800 to 1840
Chelsea Teale

Subletting in eighteenth-century England: A new methodological approach
Joshua Rhodes

Pig clubs and backyard chickens: the significance of household producers in Britain in the Second World War
Paul Brassley

Review Article: A harvest gathered in: some implications of British economic growth, 1270–1870 for agricultural history
R. W. Hoyle

Obituary: A. D. M. Phillips, 19442017
John R. Walton

