RHN 122/2018 | Opportunity
Agricultural History Society (AHS)
Request for Proposals
Position: Executive Secretary
Position: Treasurer
Closing Date for Applications: 1 November 2018
AHS Seeks New Executive Secretary and Treasurer
The Agricultural History Society (AHS) invites applications for Executive Secretary and Treasurer, with a start date of June 1, 2019. Since 1919, the AHS has served as the leading scholarly organization in the world dedicated to the study of rural life and agriculture, with our journal Agricultural History serving the scholarly community since 1927. AHS members research and teach the history of agriculture and rural life from multiple perspectives across time periods and geography.
In June 2019, the AHS will conclude a successful ten-year residency at Mississippi State University, led by Executive Secretary James C. Giesen and Treasurer Alan I Marcus. AHS members and officers now look forward to welcoming new leadership. Proposals need not reflect the pattern of two officers at the same institution and may combine the two roles. Professors Giesen and Marcus will provide counsel during the transition.
The principal duties of the Executive Secretary include:
• Manage membership, including maintenance of member information and recruitment of new members.
• Work with the journal editor and its vendors, including our printer, warehouse, and online distributors.
• Regularly report to executive committee.
• Execute the annual conference, including site selection, contracting with hotels and other vendors, and working with local arrangements to put on the meeting.
• Conduct the annual elections for leadership positions.
• Respond to queries and conduct correspondence on behalf of the organization.
The principal duties of the Treasurer include:
• Manage AHS financial assets in consultation with the executive board.
• File tax returns for the organization
• Report the financial affairs of the AHS to the executive board and membership on a periodic basis.
• Liaise with the Executive Secretary and Editor of Agricultural History regarding membership, conferences, and the journal.
The successful proposal will include the following:
• Clear vision for building on past success.
• Plan for support from host institution (i.e., course releases, overhead, student assistants).
• Expected level of support from AHS.
• Plan for covering the two positions (i.e., two individuals at one institution; two individuals at different institutions, or one individual for both roles). The society is open to many configurations for these positions.
Special Information:
• Applicants are welcome to propose any number of configurations to fill the positions of Executive Secretary and Treasurer.
• Proposals must present a plan for maintaining AHS funds as U.S. dollars.
Inquiries about these positions should be addressed to AHS President Joe Anderson or the current executive secretary, James C. Giesen.
Joe Anderson: jlanderson@mtroyal.ca
James C. Giesen: jgiesen@history.msstate.edu
All proposals should be emailed to Jenny Barker-Devine at: jenny.barker-devine@ic.edu
Due Date: November 1, 2018
Source: http://www.aghistorysociety.org/