Call for Papers: Rural History 2019 Panel – New Viticulture and Winemaking in Europe

RHN 170/2018 | Call

Organisers: Luciano Maffi (University of Genoa), Stéphane Le Bras (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand), Paolo Tedeschi (University of Milan-Bicocca), Manuel Vaquero Piñeiro (University of Perugia)

Rural History 2019, 10-13 September 2019, Paris, France

Deadline for paper proposals: 15 January 2019


Call for Papers:
Rural History 2019 Panel
New Technology and New Public Intervention: the Birth of the New Viticulture and Winemaking in Europe (late 19th- 20th Centuries)


This panel is addressed to studies concerning European wines and the prosecution of the panel organised in Leuven 2017.

The main aims of the panel are:

a) To investigate the role of the public institutions (regional, national or the Common Agricultural Policy) in favour of the modernization of the viticulture and winemaking: they in fact favoured the creation of schools with courses concerning the oenology and progressively they arrived at the creation of academic courses; at the same time they financed and protected the national viticulture and they attempted to improve the diffusion in the international markets; they promoted the European wines in the world and then they faced the competition of the wines produced in California, South America, and, more recently, in South Africa and Australia; finally they organised the intervention against the diseases which invested European vines in the second half of the 19th century and the successive improvement of the quality of new European vineyards during the 20th century.

b) To show the ways used for the transmission and transfer of knowledge and information regarding the new production system in the oenological sector: schools, lessons, conferences, bulletins/journals etc. These ways refer to: all the new methods for vine growing, winemaking and conserving the wort and wine; all innovations regarding how to prevent/take care of diseases; all changes concerning the instruments existing in caves and in particular the bottles (the new forms which were created and their function), the barrels (from the great old ones to the barriques in wood oak giving more oxygen during the fermentation), the giant tanks (in stainless steel or fiberglass) for conserving the product as well as all about the new concepts of cleaning and aeration of the caves; in the end all the strategies activated to compete with the US technology and with their marketing activities.

Papers participating at this panel will in particular focus their attention on the period including the last decades of the 19th century and the 20th century. They will allow to make some comparisons between the different European oenological areas and to improve the knowledge of the evolution of European rural society during the analysed period.

We welcome paper proposals that discuss cases from different regions. Proposals of about 250 words should be sent with a short CV. The deadline is January 15, 2019. We will inform you about our decision by January 31, 2019.

Luciano Maffi,


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