RHN 179/2018 | Call
Organisers: Elisa Botella-Rodríguez, University of Salamanca (USAL), Ángel L. González-Esteban, National University for Distance Learning (UNED), Spain, Miguel Martín-Retortillo, University of Alcalá de Henares (UAH), and Vicente Pinilla, University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)
Rural History 2019, 10-13 September 2019, Paris, France
Deadline for paper proposals: 1 February 2019
Call for Papers:
Rural History 2019 Panel
Latin American Agriculture: Globalisation, Institutions and Natural Resources (1900-2015)
In the late 1800s agriculture became one of the most important drivers of Latin America's economic growth. Technological innovation, the increasing demand of food and raw materials, European migration and foreign direct investment enhanced export-led growth based on traditional exports and static comparative advantages in the region. The opportunities of export-led growth to promote economic growth resulted in diverse/heterogenous patterns (according to the ‘commodity lottery’ of each country). Despite this diversity, the traditional export model was extensively implemented in most Latin American economies.
However, the two World Wars and the Great Depression progressively moved Latin America to Import Substitution Industrialisation (ISI) (1945-1973). ISI resulted in the highest growth of the region, despite increasing indebtedness and dependence on incomes from traditional exports. One of the main ISI problems was the urban-rural gap, with agriculture being placed in a secondary role within political agendas in the region. Land inequality also remained as one of the main drawbacks. Despite the relative scope of state-led land reforms, latifundia were substituted for capitalist farms and Green revolution technologies.
In the 1980s, agriculture development shifted to productive reconversion programmes, the dismantling of basic grains production and non-traditional exports promotion, which were more profitable crops in international markets. The Washington Consensus significantly enhanced this ‘Agriculture of Change’ agenda in the 1990s, relegating agricultural and food policies until the Global Food Crisis (2007-2008).
This panel discusses the role of institutions, natural resources and globalisation in Latin America's agriculture from the First to the Second Globalisation. The session also offers a multidisciplinary and updated debate on the opportunities, threats and recurrent problems of agriculture and development paths in the subcontinent. Accordingly, we call for qualitative and quantitative research on agricultural development, economic history, political economy and economic development of Latin America.
Proposed panel contributors:
Elisa Botella-Rodríguez and Ángel L. González-Esteban, Latin America's agriculture: a farmer-developing path?
Martín-Retortillo, M.; Pinilla, V.; Velazco, J.; Wilebald, H., Is there a Latin American pattern? An analysis of agricultural productivity in the second half of the XX century.
Conference Website: http://ruralhistory2019.ehess.fr/
Online Submission Tool: https://eurhoparis2019.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit