RHN 67/2019 | Publication
Agricultural History Review, 2019, 67:1
Table of Contents:
Outgrowing the Dark Ages: agrarian productivity in Carolingian Europe re-evaluated
Jonathan Jarrett
The housing of peasant livestock in England, 1200–1520
Christopher Dyer
Peasants’ labour obligations for the lords’ forests: another form of corvée in the Gutsherrschaft of Prussian monarchs, 1763–1850
Takashi Iida
Shifts in agrarian entrepreneurship in mid-Victorian England and Wales
Piero Montebruno, Robert J. Bennett, Carry van Lieshout, Harry Smith and Max Satchell
‘Sweet Public Lands’: The open-range sheep industry of Nevada and its legal dimension in the late nineteenth century
Iker Saitua
Abstracts: www.bahs.org.uk