RHN 145/2020 | Publication
Historia Agraria 82 (December 2020)
Table of Contents
Josep Pujol, una rememoración personal, historiográfica e histórica: Cabeza, sentido y sensación.
Lourenzo Fernández Prieto, Domingo Gallego Martínez, Ramon Garrabou, Manuel González de Molina
Editores invitados / Guest editors: Ana Isabel Queiroz (University of Evora), Inês Gomes (University of Coimbra)& Inês Amorim (University of Porto)
The spectre of historical crop losses: Challenging questions and methodological issues
Ana Isabel Queiroz, Inês Gomes, Inês Amorim
The severity of wheat yield crises on eight Spanish farms, 1700-1774
Enrique Llopis Agelán, Elvira Alonso, Paloma Fontanillo, Sara Méndez, Javier Ramos, Ana Toyos
Correlations between historical climate data and incidents of common bunt in Spanish wheat, 1755-1801
Fernando Martínez Moreno, Ignacio Solís, Mariano Barriendos, Ernesto Tejedor
Climate and crops in northwest Portugal (1798-1830): A glimpse into the past by the light of two Benedictine diaries
Luís Pedro Silva
The intellectual scales of environment: Agricultural pests and public sphere in 19th century Portugal
Leonardo Aboim Pires
Estabulación, almacenaje y alimentación durante los siglos IV-III a. C. en el Área 3 de Giribaile
Antonio Jesús Ortiz Villarejo, Luis María Gutiérrez Soler, María Alejo Armijo, Mario Gutiérrez Rodríguez
Archaeology of early medieval peasantry in the Basque Country: Landscapes, economic trends and societal change in Álava
Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo
Milk and meat consumption and production in Chile, c. 1930-2017: A history of a successful nutrition transition
Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Ricardo Nazer, Daniel Morales, Juan Navarrete-Montalvo
Patrick Doyle: Civilising Rural Ireland: The Co-Operative Movement, Development and the Nation-State, 1889-1939
Tony Varley
Ana Cristina Roque, Cristina Brito y Cecilia Veracini (Eds.): Peoples, Nature and Environments: Learning to Live Together
Antonio Ortega Santos
Sylvie Bépoix y Hervé Richard (Dirs.): La forêt au Moyen Âge
Juan José Larrea
Manuel González de Molina, David Soto, Gloria Guzmán Casado, Juan Infante, Eduardo Aguilera, Jaime Vila y Roberto García Ruíz: Historia de la Agricultura Española desde una perspectiva biofísica, 1900-2010
Ernesto Clar
Enric Saguer (Ed.): Els cortals empordanesos, del segle xiii al xxi. Sis estudis
Antònia Morey Tous
Enric Vicedo (Ed.): Recs històrics: Pagesia, història i patrimonio
Mar Ortega-Reig
Francisco Acosta (Coord.): La aurora de rojos dedos: El Trienio Bolchevique desde el sur de España
Antonio Herrera González de Molina
Antonio Luis López Martínez: Las ferias de ganado en Andalucía Occidental y Extremadura, 1830-1958
José Antonio Mendizabal
Abstracts and Full Texts (in Spanish and/or English): http://www.historiaagraria.com/en/issues/82