RHN 55/2021 | Event
Organiser: Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation (IEHCA)
31 May – 4 June 2021, Digital Event
6e Convention internationale de l’IEHCA / 6th IEHCA International Conference
Monday, 31 May 2021
15:30 - 15:45 PM: Welcome ceremony
Bruno LAURIOUX (Président de l’Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation, Tours)
Françoise SABBAN (Présidente du conseil scientifique de l’Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation, Tours)
Loïc BIENASSIS (Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation, Tours)
Allen J. GRIECO (Villa I Tatti, Harvard University, Florence, Italie)
15:45 - 16:30 PM: Plenary Lecture
Paul FREEDMAN, Is there such a thing as American Cuisine?
Parallel sessions 17:00 - 18:30 PM
Session 1: Reading Cookbooks under a New Light. Food, Body and Power in Mexican Recipes (XX-XXI centuries)
Session 2: Tasty maps. Cartography and patrimonialisation of food between simplification, stereotypes and territory
Session 3: L'alimentation des enfants et les savoirs nutritionnels : entre objectifs marchands, éducatifs et de santé
Session 4: Diet and Health in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century French and British Caribbean
Session 5: Métamorphoses de l'aliment. Les frontières entre les aliments et les médicaments, entre droit agricole et alimentaire, entre normes religieuses et de consommation
Session 6: An introduction to the «Atlas of language and texts of Italian gastronomic culture from the Middle Ages to the Unification» (AtLaTIG)
Tuesday, 1 June 2021
Parallel sessions 15:00 - 16:30 PM
Session 7: Dialogue entre le vêtement, le corps et les représentations
Session 8: Losing it: food and loss during the COVID-19 pandemic
Session 9: Why should men abstain themselves from eating meat? Perspectives towards vegetarianism in Ancient Mediterranean world
Session 10: Traditional poultry production in France and South East Asia
Session 11: Tides of Untold Stories: Subaltern Subjectivities in Maritime Food Geographies
Parallel sessions 17:00 - 18:30 PM
Session 12: Home Making Through Food Practices Among Migrant Communities in Southern Europe and Beyond
Session 13: Healthy food in Spanish gastronomy and food science (1880s-1960s)
Session 14: J’irai manger sur vos tombes
Session 15: Les spécialités rituelles saisonnières dans l’alimentation en Turquie
Session 16: Lagoonscapes: Future Views from Venice
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Parallel sessions 15:00 - 16:30 PM
Session 17: Food and Drink in Performance
Session 18: Grimod de La Reynière : critique du goût, penseur de la commensalité et écrivain libertin
Session 19: Material Culture and immaterial practice: the cultural underpinnings of wine production and consumption, 1750-2000
Session 20: Food Studies in Russia
Session 21: Riz-poulet pour les Mineurs Non-Accompagnés (MNA)
Parallel sessions 17:00 - 18:30 PM
Session 22: L'alimentation en scène
Session 23: Alimentation et migration : approches méthodologiques et enjeux contemporains. I. Approches méthodologiques
Session 24: Food History: different approaches - Brazil and Portugal
Session 25: Food and identity
Session 26: Food Futures: Histories of Anticipation, Technology, and Culinary Imaginaries of Future Foodstuffs
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Parallel sessions 15:00 - 16:30 PM
Session 27: Intoxicants in Early Modern Europe
Session 28: Alimentation et migration : approches méthodologiques et enjeux contemporains. II. Alimentation et identités
Session 29: Wine, history and power: how wine has transmitted and transmuted power in imperial and colonial cultures around the world
Session 30: The Reception of Galen’s treatise On Simple Medicines - I
Session 31: First Cookbooks : Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine
Parallel sessions 17:00 - 18:30 PM
Session 32: Westerners and Tea in the 19th and early 20th Centuries: Charting New Commercial and Cultural Perspectives
Session 33: Alimentation et migration : approches méthodologiques et enjeux contemporains. III. Alimentation et espace public
Session 34: The Reception of Galen’s treatise On Simple Medicines - II
Session 35: Different ways of eating in São Paulo, Brazil: appropriations, absences and negotiations during the colonial period and in the 20th century
Session 36: Assaisonnement irremplaçable, intrus impardonnable. Regards comparatifs et multidisciplinaires autour du sel (Europe et Amériques, XIVe-XVIe siècle)
Friday, 4 June 2021
Parallel sessions 15:00 - 16:30 PM
Session 37: Re-thinking the spice trade and spice consumption in late Medieval and Renaissance Italy
Session 38: Not Just Tomato: A Global History. Preserved food in the contemporary age (19th-20th centuries): making, trade, consumption, marketing, and technology
Session 39: L’excès alimentaire dans la littérature française du XVIIIe siècle
Session 40: Eating at the Factory. Workers’ Meals and Industrial Canteens in a Transnational Perspective (20th Century)
Session 41: Food and Cooking on Early Television: Impact on European Food Culture
17:00 - 17:35 PM: Plenary Lecture
Chantal CRENN, Aliments et mangeurs en circulations entre créativités et contraintes
17:35 - 17:45 PM: Mots de conclusion
Loïc BIENASSIS (Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation, Tours, France)
Allen J. GRIECO (Villa I Tatti, Harvard University, Florence, Italie)
Source and full programme: https://iehca-internationalconference.eu/detailed-schedule
Registration: https://iehca-internationalconference.eu/registration
Conference Website: https://iehca-internationalconference.eu/