Ruralia Visiting Scholar Call for the Academic Year 2022–2023

RHN 41/2022 | Opportunity

Ruralia Institute, University of Helsinki

Closing date for applications: 29 April 2022


Rur­alia Vis­it­ing Scholar Call for the Aca­de­mic Year 20222023

The Visiting Scholars Programme offers experienced scholars in the field of rural studies an opportunity to spend 1-2 months with a multidisciplinary team of researchers and to contribute to the knowledge base of the Ruralia Institute. This collaboration is expected to lead to the preparation and execution of joint activities such as publications and research projects.

The Rur­alia Vis­it­ing Scholar Call for applications is open until the 29th April 2022.

Applications in English should be sent as a single PDF file to

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:

Ruralia Visiting Scholars

Ruralia Visiting Scholars Programme 2022 - 2023

