Prix Bergier for research in Alpine History (2024)

RHN 107/2022 | Opportunity

Associazione Internazionale per la Storia delle Alpi (AISA)
Closing date for submissions: 15 January 2024

***Please find the English version below***

Premio AISA “Jean-François Bergier” per ricerche sulla Storia delle Alpi (2024)

Il Prix Bergier è promosso e attribuito dall’Associazione Internazionale per la Storia delle Alpi (AISA), in memoria di Jean-François Bergier, studioso promotore e cofondatore dell’Associazione. Il Prix Bergier è conferito a cadenza biennale e ha lo scopo di promuovere la ricerca sulla storia delle Alpi - e più in generale delle aree montane europee - da parte di giovani studiose e studiosi.

Il Prix Bergier viene conferito a tesi di dottorato, aventi come oggetto centrale l’area alpina e prealpina o altre realtà montane europee. Queste devono riguardare la Storia medievale, moderna o contemporanea, declinata in uno dei suoi indirizzi tematici (sociale, economica, culturale, demografica, ambientale, tecnica, ecc.), oppure le discipline contigue, ma limitatamente all’antropologia e alla geografia storiche e all’archeologia medievale e moderna.


Prix AISA “Jean-François Bergier” for research in Alpine History (2024)

The Prix Bergier is promoted and awarded by the International Association for Alpine History (IAAH), in memory of Jean-François Bergier, the scholar who promoted and co-founded the Association. The Prix Bergier is awarded every two years and aims to promote research by young scholars on the history of the Alps - and European mountain areas in general.

The Prix Bergier is awarded to doctoral theses, having as their central object the Alpine and pre-alpine area or other European mountain realities. Theses must relate to Medieval, Modern or Contemporary History, in one of its fields of study (social, economic, cultural, demographic, environmental, technical, etc.), or to neighbouring disciplines, though limited to historical anthropology and geography and medieval and modern archaeology.


The Prix Bergier 2024 will be awarded to a single doctoral thesis that was defended in between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023. The detailed call for submissions and announcement of requirements in Italian, French, English and German can be downloaded from the AISA website:
