RHN 4/2025 | Publication
Agricultural History Review, 2024, 72:2
Table of Contents
The view from the yardlands: Common property rights and the parliamentary enclosure of Warmington (Warwickshire) c.1750–1820
Steve Hindle
Gender, wages and agricultural day labour in England, c.1480–1680 (Open Access)
Jane Whittle and Li Jiang
Kussmaul’s ‘strange perch’ revisited: A case study of marriage seasonality and agricultural change, Surrey 1561–1740
Sue Jones
Farm servants in north Wiltshire: The evidence of hiring fairs, 1837–1860
Mikhail Kolosov
Did home farms pay? The performance of the Stratfield Saye estate home farm and its local peers in the early twentieth century
Gareth Jones, OBE, Jeremy Burchardt and Richard Tranter
A ‘little Neddy’ for agriculture? ‘Sit on the hornet’s nest but don’t stir it up’
Alan Swinbank
Book reviews of this issue are listed here.https://www.bahs.org.uk/AGHR/AgHRREV.html?YEAR=2024&MOD=this
Abstracts and links to full texts (available for BAHS members): https://www.bahs.org.uk/AGHR/
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