Call for Papers: Agricliometrics VI

RHN 31/2025 | Call

Organisers: Economics Department, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain

18 – 19 May 2026, Economics Department, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain

Deadline for Submissions: 30 September 2025

Call for Papers:
Quantitative Approaches to Rural, Agricultural and Environmental History

The sixth AGRICLIOMETRICS conference is to be held in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, on 18-19 May, 2026. It will be organized at the Economics Department, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain, with the assistance of colleagues from the University of Zaragoza, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, New York University Abu Dhabi, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and Universidad de la República. It is supported by the Department of Economics, by the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism and by the University of Alcala.

This conference aims to offer scholars working on quantitative rural, agricultural and natural resources history (and related issues) an opportunity to discuss their work in progress. We welcome papers on topics related to the use of quantitative techniques for the understanding of relevant problems in rural, agricultural and environmental history. Given the benefits arising from a cross-disciplinary dialogue, papers coming from different disciplines are particularly encouraged, especially from demographers, economists, sociologists, political scientists and historians. Papers by young scholars are especially welcome.

Anyone wishing to present a paper should send a 500 word abstract by no later than September 30th, 2025, to: Decisions regarding acceptance will be sent out no later than November 30th, 2025. Final versions of the accepted papers are expected by no later than April 1st, 2026. They will be circulated to all participants prior to the meeting and published on the workshop website.

The scientific committee is integrated by: Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Pablo Castro (Universidad de la República), Giovanni Federico (New York University Abu Dhabi), Eva Fernández (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Pablo Martinelli Lasheras (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Vicente Pinilla (Universidad de Zaragoza), Patrick Svensson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) and Henry Willebald (Universidad de la República).

All correspondence should be addressed to