Tenure track position in agrarian history

RHN 36/2025 | Opportunity

Associate senior lecturer/assistant professor in agrarian history

Department of Urban and Rural Development, Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden

Deadline for applications: 21 April 2025

The Department of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is hiring an associate senior lecturer/assistant professor in agrarian history. 

Agricultural/agrarian history is a historical discipline that covers developments from the earliest times to the present. The subject deals with agricultural production and technological development, social and economic conditions, people in the agrarian society and their relationship to nature, the landscape and society at large. The interdisciplinary methodology of agricultural history is used to study complex conditions and long-term processes with a historical perspective.

The associate senior lecturer/assistant professor is expected to develop her/his own research line in the field of agricultural history. The tasks consist of 75% research and 25% other tasks/teaching.

Eligible for employment as associate senior lecturer are candidates who hold a PhD or have equivalent academic qualifications. Priority will be given to candidates who have received a PhD or equivalent qualifications no longer than seven years before the application deadline. For employment as associate senior lecturer, the candidate must demonstrate research expertise in agricultural history, history, economic history, cultural geography, ethnology, or equivalent.

The employment is limited to four years in accordance with the Higher Education Act. A position as associate senior lecturer is a qualifying employment that constitutes the first step in an academic career at SLU. An associate senior lecturer has the right during his/her employment to apply for promotion to senior lecturer (UK) or associate professor (US) on the basis of criteria established when the position as associate senior lecturer was announced.

The deadline for application is 21 April, 2025.

Apply here: https://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/work-at-slu/jobs-vacancies/

More information can be found here



Source: https://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/work-at-slu/jobs-vacancies/